Sometimes, Things happen in our Relationships that make us believe those happily ever after are just better left in books. We often reflec...
Showing posts with label RELATIONSHIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RELATIONSHIP. Show all posts
“Having S*x More Likely To Make Men Believe In God” – Study Reveals { Read }
Christopher West, a researcher says having s*x could ignite some sort of connection with divinity in us as human beings. In a Semeste...
Things that Lead or Causes Divorce/Broken Marriages - Relationships Gist
“Marriages are made in Heaven” I think almost everyone of you must have heard these lines at some or the other point of your lives, ri...
How To Dis-virgin A Girl Without Too Much Pain And Stress (A MUST READ-18+)
Hello Everyone!! Many guys who have once disvrigined a girl have described the process as stressful with the girl groaning in pain...
6 Things to do to Make your {Woman/Wife} Happy and have her all to yourself
I’ve conducted a lot of research regarding women's friendships and the ways that people can most effectively maintain healthy connectio...
8 Effective Ways to keep Your Man/Husband From Cheating
Here are ways you can try to prevent cheating. Threats don’t work and will only create a hostile relationship which makes us prone to che...