Showing posts with label RELATIONSHIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RELATIONSHIP. Show all posts

SERIOUS TALK!!! If You Find Yourself In This Heartbroken Man’s Shoes – What Will You Do?

Sometimes, Things happen in our Relationships that make us believe those happily ever after are just better left in books. We often reflec...

“Having S*x More Likely To Make Men Believe In God” – Study Reveals { Read }

Christopher West, a researcher says having s*x could ignite some sort of connection with divinity in us as human beings. In a Semeste...

Things that Lead or Causes Divorce/Broken Marriages - Relationships Gist

“Marriages are made in Heaven” I think almost everyone of you must have heard these lines at some or the other point of your lives, ri...

How To Dis-virgin A Girl Without Too Much Pain And Stress (A MUST READ-18+)

Hello Everyone!! Many guys who have once disvrigined a girl have described the process as  stressful  with the girl  groaning in pain...

6 Things to do to Make your {Woman/Wife} Happy and have her all to yourself

I’ve conducted a lot of research regarding women's friendships and the ways that people can most effectively maintain healthy connectio...

8 Effective Ways to keep Your Man/Husband From Cheating

Here are ways you can try to prevent cheating. Threats don’t work and will only create a hostile relationship which makes us prone to che...