SERIOUS TALK!!! If You Find Yourself In This Heartbroken Man’s Shoes – What Will You Do?


Sometimes, Things happen in our Relationships that make us believe those happily ever after are just better left in books.

We often reflect on the experiences we’ve had and stories we’ve heard to make decisions in our our own relationships and it mainly because we take those things too personal like it happened to us.

Earlier today, a very engaging and relatable story was flying around and it has generated a lot of controversial and revealing reactions.

When praying or getting frustrated that you are still yet to get married, always remember to tell him that he should give you your bone of your bone, and flesh of your flesh.

This story made a lot of people doubt the credibility of trust in  marriage.

However, The story has posed a lot of threats to a lot of relationships and it has raised some trust questions in a lot of relationships.

See the story below:-








So Guys, The questions here are C:\Users\Abdool\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001

What Do You Think About This?

If You Are To Give This Guy And Advice, What Would You Tell Him?

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