South East Governor are now in Support of ESN flushing Out Bandit, Herdsmen in the Forest



Since South Eastern Governors have now listened and done the right thing, we should all ‘clap’ for them. It is now up to #ESN to rigorously enforce this law the same way Hisbah Police has been dutifully enforcing the Alcohol Prohibition Laws of 12 Sharia states of core Northern Nigeria, most notably in Kano.

It stands to reason that Governors of the East do not have any law enforcement unit capable of policing killer herdsmen except #ESN. Therefore it will be in their best interest to support the efforts of #ESN to ensure this very LAW they made is legally and robustly enforced.

The best option for Fulani killer herdsmen is for them to vacate the forests and bushes of the East, head into the nearest town to rent an accommodation as other ethnic groups are doing in Fulani controlled core Arewa north, or face the wrath of #ESN . 

Any police or army unit daft enough to provide armed illegal protection to these Fulani killers with cattle, will regret the day he or she joined them _Nnamdi Kanu Said

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