Essential Tips to Keep Your Children Safe When Using the Internet


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Children are at the receiving ends of some of the most sinister attacks on the internet. From cyberbullying and cyberstalking to child pornography, the trend is sickening.
This has defined the need for parents to step up and help their kids make better use of the internet while staying safe at the same time. We have, thus, curated some tips to help parents keep their children safer online.

Parental Controls
For internet-enabled devices and services with the option of parental controls, maximize them.
These controls allow you to restrict the kind of content that your kids see online. It also allows you to rest easy while your kids enjoy the internet over such devices and services, knowing that there is a lesser chance of exposure to inappropriate content.

Keep a Keen eye
Even with parental control algorithms, some slip-ups happen from time to time. Most times, malicious content creators can spoof the algorithm to get around, thereby exposing your children to inappropriate content.
It is advisable to have a general computer in a visible part of the home where you can keep an eye on what your kids are doing online. Likewise, check through their internet history frequently to ensure they are not being exposed to poor content.

Have a Conversation

Discuss the merits and demerits of the internet with them to know what they are up against. Being upfront and open with them this way also opens up a channel of communication. They get to trust you better and can bring issues to you as soon as they happen.
That way, you can stay on top of situations better. That beats just forcing them to adhere to specific internet rules without knowing why.

Install Security Software
Children are not sophisticated enough to spot adware, malicious messages, poor WIFI connection, etc. Even adults fall victim to this, so we cannot blame them.

Download antivirus software to help keep your kid’s device away from malicious software. Another effective and easy-to-use security software is a VPN. It prevents online predators from tracking down a child’s location with their IP address. Consider downloading a VPN app to increase protection for your child.

Set Strong Passwords
Set strong passwords on your kids’ devices, and let them know never to share those passwords with others. For better safety, change these passwords frequently till they are old enough to remember and set their passwords.

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