My Biology Teacher- Episode 3


Written By: Ifeanyi Joseph Ezealor

Uncle peter: Are you alright, in love with your teacher, “wait na because say I they open teeth with you, that’s why you get mind to insult me “you know what from today, hence forth, don’t ever come close to me”   
Me: “in shame I bow my head, and tears run down my eyes” I sat on his bed for like 10 minutes before I  stood up  to leave” while I focused on his mobile phone.
Me: Am sorry, if what I said offend you, I just had to say my heart out, If am to leave this place today without saying what I  feel inside, I will  never be free within or I may never get another opportunity.
“I left without getting a reply from him”.  Went out, stopped a bike…heading home.
On my way home, I saw some movie sellers advertising a movie, stopped and bought it ************ fast forward*************
In  less than 5 minute I was home, greeted Mum with a hug, headed to my room, I undressed from my uniform,  went into the kitchen (food) went back to my room, switch on my TV inserted the disk.
*********** Fast forward**********
The Movie was inspiring; I learned one or two things from it, things about Love, deceit, betrayer and trust even Jokes.
Before I could finish the movie, it was 11pm , “oh my God” rushed to bed, I stayed like an hour before I could fall asleep, the next day, I was feeling a little weak, headache and body pain,, was like I slept on the wrong side of the bed, so I stayed at home, “No school” I just lied down on my bed after taking some drugs with a little old school music attached to make my day.
Then a thought about life came into my mind, what is life if you can’t be around people you loved, what is life if we are born to die. “ I stood up, walked toward the window, saw how bright the Sun shines, “Beautiful”
Tununu tununu nunun  ‘’My phone ringing’’ Unknown caller
Me: Hello
Unknown: How are you
Me: Am fine, sorry who is this
Unknown:  you don’t recognize my voice
Me: Am sorry, I don’t
Unknown: Uncle Peter
Me: Hay Uncle, good afternoon
Uncle peter: Afternoon, why you were not in school today?
Me: Am not feeling too well
Uncle peter : what happened?
Me: nothing, just woke up this morning feeling weak, headache and body pain
Uncle peter: have you taking any medication?    
Me: yes,
Uncle peter: ok get well soon, I called for you to come and show me your place but since you are not feeling ok, till tomorrow.
Me: I could come
Uncle peter: No………….. get well first.
*********Fast forward************
Call Ended…………… went back to my bed, and lied down, feeling excited my love for uncle peter rise as naira to dollar “his tender and caring voice” made me want him more.
4:28pm NEPA brought back light, I stood up, to replay the movie I was watching, because I enjoyed it.
**********Fast forward************
5:36 Mum was back from work, “Anita baby” Mummy is back, I quickly paused the movie, walked out to welcome her,  
Mum: Sweet heart what did you prepare for Dinner, am hungry?
Me: Are you joking or serious?
Mum: You mean you did not prepare anything?
Me: You did not ask me to beside no ingredient to cook
Mum: Hmmmm, come and buy me Cock by the road side am really staffing.
********fast forward ***********
The next day, I prepared for school, after a dream I had about Uncle peter making love to me, only to find out it was a dream, I was the first in the entire student to be in school, i get to lead the assembly group, I was giving the Morning Devotion, I gave my best, my best voice, my best smile, my best, all of it.
8:10am we were done and was in out classes, we were having biology last period.
When it was time, he arrived, he continued where he stopped the last time, the way he lectured on the topic, sexually moved me, as if he was born with it, I wonder how good he will be in bed.
2pm closing hour, they rang the bell, I ran up to him as he was living the class,
Me: Uncle! Uncle!! Uncle!!!
Uncle Peter: Anita How are you, any problem
Me: No problem, Just that my parent asks me to come along with you.
Uncle Peter: Hmmm….. I hope this is not one of your trick, beside I told you next week, Ok let me arrange my stuff
“I wait for him while he go pack up his stuff, soon he came out, we walked to where we will take bike, he asked me some  question about the topic  he took us in class, and  I replied all his question, even demonstration all his moves in class, he was just laughing seriously.
We got to where we will take a bike, Seeehhhhh, Seehhhh,
We ridded home, in 15 minutes we were home, he was shocked when he saw where I live,
He asked “ Wait how many of you live here
Me: My parent, me and the gate man
“we went inside, I welcome him,  offered him drink, switched on the TV he still look surprised, speechless, I went inside “ Mum the teacher is here” in less than 3 minute she was out, I left them discussing about the price for the lesson. Went into my room and undressed from my Uniform, changed then came out and sat close to my mother, I notice his eyes looking toward my legs and boobs.
He was not himself that I know of, actually killing him, even a man of God will fall by what I was doing.
Soon they came to an agreement on the prices, so I exulted him out, he was saying something that I could not remember, because I was putting together the confident to kiss him.
Surprisingly  “ I kissed him” how I did I could not explain, it happen so fast.
He looked at me and said…
To be continued………………………………………… Episode 4


My Biology Teacher - Episode 2

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