My Biology Teacher- EPISODE 1


Written By:  Ifeanyi Joseph Ezealor

My name is Anita, Edo State in Nigeria, but base in the Northern East of Lagos. For security reasons, I am married now with 3 kids and this is my story. I was a 15year little spoilt girl in my S.S. 1, My parent was very rich, my father work in an Oil Company and my Mum works in a Bank. They hardly had time for me, and I hardly see or know much about them, my primary and secondary school days was a boarding school, that was after the Nanny was sacked from work. So after she was sacked from work my parents had no choice than to put me in boarding school because they didn’t have much time for me and the worst part of it was that I was their only child.
At first I was a good Christian who believed in God. So the boarding school where my parents put me was a school was a girl school, there were no boys in the school so I thought that the school was a good one. I didn’t know that I was going to change from a good girl that I was to a spoilt rugged and bad young girl.  So in my room I had 3 roommates and me which made us four in number.
They were extremely bad, despite they were older than me, the time I spent with them, changed me, but as a little girl that fear was in me of not showing people of how bad I have become. So I do my things in secret. So when I got to my S.S.1, being a new student was the worst thing that could ever happen, if you are lucky you could make a friend that day, but if no luck comes your way, you meet those who despise you, or the bully type. So I was sitting alone in the class when a young man walked in with an NYSC uniform,
Unknown: What are you doing in class, when everyone is outside on break.
Me: I’m a new student, and I don’t know any place around the school compound.
 “He walked close to me and said, I’m Peter, and your biology teacher”
Me: Uncle sorry
Peter: No problem, I am aware you don’t know. Have you eaten anything?
Me: I nodded “No”
 “He took me to a fast food joint and bought me food, we charted while we ate, and his smile got my attention. I fell in love with him on our first meeting, after eating, he was about to pay the bills when he realized that his wallet is missing. He was confused; the smile in his face was fading away. I had almost N5,000 with me, so I quickly paid for the food to avoid anyone noticing and avoid embarrassments.
He felt a little ashamed for what just happened. I tried to bring up discussion to cheer him up, he tried to force smile out. So we got back to the school, he went into the staff room and I went back into my class. Approaching my seat, I saw his wallet and was happy to return it.  I presumed that this would make him happy again. After the school hours, I went to the staff room, he was preparing to leave, so I called him by his name, the staffs in the office looked at me, and out of anger he shouted at me. I was filled with shame, “I’m sorry I only came to return your wallet which you misplaced; he became speechless, not being able to say Thank you.
I left, with tears in my eyes, stopped a Bike, which took me home; I got home by 5pm, my Mum was home already, she was preparing dinner.
I did not even notice her presence, I walked directly into my room, fell on my bed without removing my uniform.
Mother: Anita food is ready.
Me: “Silent”
Mother: Anita Daddy’s Home
Me: “Silent”
“Knock on the door” Open the door” Mum and Dad Knocking”
Finally I opened the door; they were both sweating, like people who just fought a lion, “what’s wrong with you, what happened, any problem. I was just looking at them like someone who has become Deaf and dumb.
To be continued………………………………… Episode 2

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