My Biology Teacher - Episode 2


Written By:  Ifeanyi Joseph Ezealor

My silent was killing them, “my Mum walking close to me and hug me, “Ani-baby the sugar in my tea, the Apple of my eyes, tell me what is wrong” I felt a little relief with the praises, “Everybody In my class hates me, they were looking at me like someone who didn’t took her bath before coming to school. “(Mum) she consoled me, motivated me with word of confort. Brought food and I eat “we discussed like family, had fun, before bed time, I had only closed my eye for only 25minutes, when I started dreaming about “Uncle Peter”. “Wakeup, its Morning, time to prepare for school” Ohhhhh they just spoilt the fun I was having, I wish I never woke up from that dream, because I had the life, I always wanted, “but sha nothing spoil” I prepared for school, I was happy to go to school,
**************fast forward***************
I was in school by 7:20, at the assembly ground, which seem as if I was the first to be in school, to my surprise uncle was already in school, i was just steering at uncle peter, I don’t know what had gotten over me, I could not explain what I was feeling inside, my attention was not in what the school, was doing, I did not hear a single word that was said on the assembly ground.
8:10 we were all in our various classes, and the most wonderful and surprising thing that morning was, we were having Biology class, I was seating at the back seat, middle role when he step in.
Uncle Peter:    Good Morning Class
Students:                     Morning Sir
Uncle Peter:    How are you,
Students:                     Fine thank you Sir
Uncle Peter:    Sit down “ Were did we stop in our last class”
Students:                     Respiration
Uncle Peter: today we are going to discuss about reproductive system.
“ he began to teach, about reproduction, about how a man and a woman meet up, and how a woman get pregnant, he told us a lot of funny stories, his class was fun, with him smiling while taking the class along no one was left out, even the dullest among us, will understand what was taught in class, Uncle peter was one of my role modern, he was the reason I became a science student” in less than an Hour the class was over, We took attendance, calling the names to know who was present, as he got to my name, he looked at me and said after school wait for me, I need to see  you, I felt a little joy in me, like he saw my mind.
********fast forward*************
School was over, I waited for him as he asked me, for like 15-20 minutes before he came out, and was walking out of the school compound, he did not say a word till we got out of the school compound,  my heart was beating fast, “ I hope am save” that was what was going in my mind, the way you called my name, was disrespectful, no teacher could call me by my name the way you did, you really annoyed me, is it because you paid for the food yesterday, here  is your money, “ Am sorry Uncle, it will never happen again, it was a slip of tongue, “ I have heard” but he still insisted I collect the money, which I did for peace to rain, he thanked me about helping him find his wallet, “he was actually trouble about how to get a new I.D Card, ATM Card, and some important code that was in his wallet”, all thanks to me for my heroism, Loizxxxx
We charted as we walked to where I will take Bick, as I clamped the Bick, I blinked him, before the bick took off, my heart beat heavily.
 I got home happy, filled with joy and wishes, my parent was surprised and was like, “this one you are happy did you win a lottery”.  “No Mummy” soon food was ready, I eat and my parent brought us, a topic  about find a private lesson teacher for me, and Uncle peter came to my mind,  “ Dad I was about to ask you about it, I already found a good lesson teacher” so my parent asked me to bring him over, so they could discuss.
And that made my day more Stupendous; I went to my room, did my home work and washed my school cloth, before going to bed.
The next day, I was in a rush to go to school, I began to love school so much just because of Uncle Peter, I was in school before 7:00 evn before the Assembly time, I meet some of my class mate and we discussed about some funny teachers we have in the school.
*************** fast forward*****************
The assembly was over, as usual we were all in our various classes, and we had mathematic, Hmmmmm I hate maths, it get me bored, the teacher is always asking us to find x or y which sound crazy, maths is a crazy subject.
Break Time:  I had made some friends, but they only became friend with me because of what I give them, the money I spend on them, not that I was not aware, at 15 I had the wisdom of a 20year old, but I just had to do it because I need some friends to watch my back.
During the break hour, I went into the staff office, to greet uncle peter, we talked, a topic came up that I told him that I will follow you to your place, “ok” break was over we all went into our various classes.
************ fast forward****************
School was over, I waited for him outside the school gate which he was aware off and we talked while walking home together, “I never knew you were serious about coming to my place, my place does not look to good” “I’m ok any how it is” we discussed about my academic performance, and my family.  in less than an hour, we got to his place, he opened his door, we walked in, it look like a bachelors house, I walked around and saw some of his document, by the side of his television with his birth certificate, he was 24 years old.
I went on his bed and sat and he offered me water, while preparing indomie, “ Uncle Peter my parent are looking for a private lesson teacher for me, and I told them about you, and they asked me to bring you along”. Uncle peter: ‘Ok’ that will be weekend
Me: How will you know my place
Uncle Peter: I heard the address you gave the bick man or has it changed
Me: Ok, but let me give you my number, to call me,  in case 0907456*****
Uncle Peter: you have a phone,
Me: yes, any problem
Uncle Peter: How old are you
Me: “ I had to add my age” am 17 because I look 17 with the fast development of my boob and some private stuff only the ladies will understand” I don’t know where the courage came “
Me: Uncle
Uncle peter: Yes
Me: I think am in love with you
To be continued……………………………………. Episode 3


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