Nigerian lady warns women to stop broke shaming men

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya’s wife gushes about her husband The post which went viral on social media, received several reactions from people who seemed to be in agreement with her post. 

A young lady has taken to social media to share her opinion on the issue of expectations in relationships - According to her, it is cruel and offensive to expect a man to have money just as it is to expect a woman to cook and clean - Her tweet has since gone viral on social media Expectations in relationships is often a controversial topic for discussion. Some people are of the opinion that domestic roles are the exclusive preserves of women while providing financially is the sole responsibility of men. With the growth of feminism in recent times, the narrative seems to be changing. Despite the fact that more women are fighting for equal responsibilities, there are still some who prefer to leave the role of providing to the men. This mentality however, has led to a lot of unrealistic expectations from women who believe it is their entitlement to be taken care of and to be with a wealthy man and as a result of this, they tend to look down on struggling men. A lady identified as Monisola appears to be fed up with this mentality. She took to the Twitter platform to share her opinion concerning the issue. She wrote: "I’m sick of broke shaming. It is obnoxious and cruel. To expect a man to be financially buoyant simply because he’s a man is just as offensive as expecting a woman to cook and clean simply because she’s a woman. Not every man has deep pockets ."

"If we’re kicking against patriarchal norms then we can’t *expect* men to be rich because they’re men, especially if you as a woman don’t even have your own money! That’s a disgraceful double standard. If you don’t want the validity of your womanhood to be evaluated based on your domestic prowess, then stop devaluing men for being “broke”. Everyone is on their personal journey. He’ll get there when he gets there. If you don’t want to date a man without money, fine, you have every right to make that choice. But don’t shame him for his financial status. That is cruel. Money does not grow on trees. I even see women shaming men for being in the exact same financial position as them and honestly I’m embarrassed. Don’t be hungry please.

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