{A Must Read}: See What This Group Of Nigerian Teenagers Are Doing With Their Smartphone’s That Will SHOCK You


See What This Group Of Nigerian Teenagers Are Doing With Their Smartphone’s That Will SHOCK You

A group of teenagers from Nigeria, Kaduna Precisely are on the verge of making a major break into the Nigerian movie industry (Nollywood), and they plan to do this with just their smartphones.
Following the massive social media attention which their short films garnered, the teens who call themselves ‘The Critic‘ might indeed find their way and take their place in scheme of things within Nollywood.
Using just a basic green screen, the student filmmakers have been playing around with the sci-fi movie genre and are beginning to get the attention of the world
With basic tools and just smartphones, these students come up with rather surprising short films that have left a wow effect on many viewers.
These crew of 8, is said to have short their first film titled ‘Redemption’ from visual effects skills which they learned through YouTube Tutorials.
According to one of the young filmmakers, Godwin Josiah, their aim was not just to go viral, but to show that kids within the north are doing something different.
Despite the various challenges they face, The Critics have continued to excel in special effects, making very commendable clips with a smashed mobile phone, a tripod made from a broken microphone stand and other equipment made from improvisation and thinking out of the box.
As often is the reward of creativity and hard-work, films by The Critics caught the eye of a well-known producer – who encouraged a fundraising campaign making them almost $6,000 which is enough to buy them new equipment which will see to the production of more qualitative films.

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