- 18-year-old Justin
Olsen from Ohio who had in his possesion enough arsenal to start a civil
war, was caught and arrested by the FBI
After his arrest and searching of his home and car,
FBI agents found inside a large gun vault at his home 15 rifles and
shotguns and 10 semi-automatic pistols, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, camouflage
clothing and camouflaged backpacks.
The teenager was flagged six months ago when agents
found comments online from a user who discussed supporting mass shootings.
According to court documents, the user posted a threat to assault federal law
enforcement officers writing; "shoot every agent on sight,” in a
discussion about the Branch Davidian standoff in Waco in 1993.
Agents met with Justin Olsen, 18, on August 7th,
who gave written consent for a search of his car and bedroom, according to a
probable cause warrant. This resulted in his arrest on charges of threatening
to assault a federal law enforcement officer. Olsen was arraigned on a federal
charge of threatening to assault a federal law-enforcement officer
and will remain in the Mahoning County jail without bond at least until
his continued detention hearing on Friday, as ordered by Magistrate George J.
Since February, Olsen had “discussed supporting
mass shootings, and assault and/or targeting of Planned Parenthood” online
under the username “ArmyOfChrist” on the popular internet meme site iFunny.com,
where he had about 4,400 subscribers.
In a post dated June 2, Olsen discussed the 1993
federal siege of the Branch Davidians compound in Waco, Texas, when he said
federal agents “slaughtered families” and concluded with “shoot every federal
agent on-sight,” officers allege.
“Don’t comply with gun laws, stock up on stuff they
could ban,” reads another alleged post from Olsen. “Hell, even the
Oklahoma City bombing shows that armed resistance is a viable method of
political change. There is no legal solution,” reads another post.
Olsen admitted making the posts to officers but
claimed it was all “a joke, for fun.”
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