There is
always this special person in our life that we would wish deep down in our
heart, we will want to spend the rest of our life with, but afraid to approach
or open up to them.
Today I’m going to teach some of my trick on
how you can open up to that special person you have being crushing on for some
time now.
wait for the right time and place to
start a conversation:
A lot of awkwardness can be avoided
if you can find a good time to talk to your crush. A good time to start a
conversation could be before school, during lunch or a break, or after school
or after an event is over. Use down time as an opportunity to start a
conversation. A good place to talk could be at a bus stop, in a bus or on
public transit, in a lunchroom, at a dance, or at a get together.
Send your first text. Some time you will have this difficult time of sending a
text message, or type of message you feel will be ok to start a conversation. A
simple "What's up (name)?" or "What are you up to?" is a
good conversation starter.
your crush replies that he or she is watching television, listening to music or
playing a game, reply by asking about what they're watching, listening to or
playing. Whatever your crush says, you want to be ready with a follow-up
question to keep the conversation flowing.
crush may say something along the lines of, "I'm doing my homework."
In reply, you can say something like "We got loads, didn't we? Mine took
ages to finish!" Or if your crush doesn't go to your school you could say,
"Oh poor you! Ha, did you get a lot?"
your crush what you're up to as well. When your crush texts you letting you
know what he or she is doing, send a reply like, "That's cool. I'm just
checking Facebook" or whatever else you're actually doing at the time.
Observe how your crush acts:
Look for clues in the conversation to see
whether your crush is enjoying texting back and forth, whether the person has
had enough of the conversation or whether you're ready to step it up and ask
your crush on a date.
the answers to your texts are really short or clipped, then you should probably
text back something like, "Okay, catch you later," or "See you
later alligator." (Cute texting move)Don't read too much into it. The
person could be really busy or in a bad mood. Just make sure that you don't
make yourself look desperate or needy by trying to push a conversation when it
isn't happening.
your crush responds by asking you questions, like "What are you
doing?" then you know that he or she wants to keep talking. Just let the
conversation flow naturally. However, make sure they are the one to end the
conversation. Be talkative and forward.
Bring the conversation back to
something you already talked about:
You might want to talk to your crush
about something he or she talked about at the beginning of the conversation.
For example, you can say, “So how much longer do you think you need to spend on
your midterm paper?” And then spend the rest of the conversation finishing
talking about the points of conversation you have already started.
can make inside jokes about what you talked about. For example, you can say
“Well now that we have made it through this lunch period without water, I
suppose we can get through anything together.” Making inside jokes can help you
cement connections you have made, and it is a good way to make your connection
last past the first conversation.
Go with an opening line that pops in
your head:
If you don’t have many opportunities
to talk to your crush and you see a good one, even if you don’t have everything
mapped out, you may want to seize the opportunity to talk to him or her by just
going for it. [8]
Part of having a crush will always involve some amount of awkwardness and that
can be part of the fun. So you don’t have to over think it- go for it.
We will be happy to provide
solution to any problem you are currently facing in opening up to that one
person you crush on, inbox us on the comment box blow. As they say a problem
shared is a problem half solved.
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