How to Use an SMS Short Code To Get Rich in Nigeria - Business Idea


The phenomenal growth of mobile phone owners in Nigeria has led to SMS marketing becoming one of the most effective methods of communication. There is an increasing number of companies and agencies using premium SMS as part of their promotional mix, complementing marketing efforts with text promotions.
Furthermore, audience participation is now an integral part of many shows and sporting broadcasts. This has made the mobile phone the latest tool for marketers seeking to win over consumers.
SMS shortcodes offer companies as well as individuals the opportunity to generate extra revenue through the provision of interactive SMS or payment services to mobile subscribers.

Product Uses
Below are some examples of how short codes can be used:
♦  SMS competitions
♦  SMS voting
♦  Text 2 win promotions
♦  Information services
♦  SMS quiz
♦  Subscription services

Shared Short Codes
Shared short codes are a low-cost and quick solution for a client expecting low to moderate volume of messages. With these short codes, you share a short code number with other customers and use keywords to direct messages to your particular application and/or trigger a specific response. Keywords can also be used to reinforce the company/brand name, as the mobile user would have to type the special keyword in order to interact with the company/brand.
TextNigeria provides an online web console for easy access to your messages real-time. Our shared shortcode price points are N30, N50, N100 and toll-free(zero-rated).
The standard practice in using a shared shortcode involves a mobile user texting a keyword e.g. Users can text ‘ABC’ to 32359 (Wherein ABC is the keyword that identifies the service particular to the client.). Additional information can be provided by the user after the keyword e.g. Users text ‘ABC Name Location  Age’ to 32359.

Dedicated Short Codes
Dedicated short codes are for clients who intend to provide a range of different mobile services, expect a high monthly volume of messages or want to offer more complex 2-way services. Our dedicated price points are available in N10, N30, N50, N75, N100 and toll-free(zero-rated).
Dedicated shortcode require a minimum of 3 months to setup and activate the service. All dedicated shortcodes need to be approved by the Nigerian Communications Commission.

Messages to the short codes are MO billed i.e. the user is charged once they send a message to the short code. Clients are only allowed to send one MT to one MO received i.e. clients are allowed to send only one reply back to the user’s mobile phone.
SMPP and HTTP connections are available for customised services.

Setup Your Own Shortcode Today Directly From The Source
===> No Monthly Access fee
===> NO Hidden Charges
===> Free Support 24/7
===>Free Mentorship till you breakeven
===> Access to shortcode response monitoring server
===> Free Shortcode Cpanel Step by Steps Management  Guide
===> Free  30 Million Nationwide GSM Database Sorted by First Name, Last Name, LGA & State

Get The Very Best Out Of This Opportunity...

To ensure you don't miss out any part of this golden opportunity, We strongly advice you push behind you every other thing that could distract you including your phone, television or radio just for this few moment and pay maximum attention to every single word of this letter because it just that important.

Honestly, It's better you are well informed and deliberately refuse to act on the opportunity than to totally miss out.
Just before I go further, I want to announce to you that – We're a living proof of awesome profit from this business and to re-assure you that you can actually earn as much as you want from the mobile marketing industry ranging from BulkSMSVoice Broadcasting to the ultimate Shortcode business you are about to discover it's earning potential in few moment.
You’ll certainly be amazed at what you will accomplish if you can boldly take that first step forward to get your own shortcode— just like we did some years back and today we are proud to be the fastest and leading shortcode provider in Nigeria trusted by many. We go extra mile to ensure that our clients earnings are safeguarded and delivered to them directly as fast as possible.
And I want to help you do just that — starting today!

In case you are still trying to figure out what shortcode is all about, Let me quickly throw more light on that;
Short code are special telephone numbers, significantly shorter than normal 11 digits GSM numbers that can be used to address SMS and MMS messages from certain service providers like Airtel, MTN, Glo, Etisalat. It is used to process two way messaging with special billing ranging from hotel booking, flight booking, church prayer request, order for products and services etc
On the other hand, a Short code is a 5 or 6 digits phone number that can send and receive short code messages, allowing consumers to interact with and access a wide variety of mobile content through text messaging. Example of short code; 35519, 35612.

Now The Big Question!

Have you ever received a text message from different short numbers like 35490,34260 asking you reply with some word to get something? Did I hear you say YES! Right! Again what do you do when you get the text messages? Simply Delete it? Well I want you to do something very important.

Don't Delete Those Messages Again!
Why did I say that? It's actually simple, allowing them fill up your phone inbox will always trigger in your memory that your mobile phone has in-built system that's capable of generating a substantial amount of money for you on daily basis. This is the best reward that comes with the launching of GSM service in Nigeria...
 "Because you too can copy the companies that's sending you those SMS, do it the way they are doing it and smile to the bank to withdraw bundles of Cash. You can do this by following a simple secret I will reveal to you ..... at the end of this letter".


 With your shortcode, honestly you are the only one that can stop the amount of money you will be making on daily basis.


Just imagine you have a short SMS code set up, and you have people texting back to your short code number making you money,
Now this small Chart will help you understand how much your simple short code can be making for you every day with a N50 tariff.

No. of Responders Per dayAmount You Make Daily
100₦ 5,000
150₦ 7,500
500₦ 25,000
5,000₦ 250,000
10,000₦ 500,000
25, 000₦ 1,250,000




There's Even Bigger ones!



To SETUP SHARED SHORTCODE: Pay N30,000 onetime payment or use economic plan and minimize your risk by paying two installment just for your confidence, Pay N20,000 first and balance N10,900 when your short code is setup in 12-24 Hours.

13 You don't need to rent office to make this business generate huge fund for you. We'll handle everything for you including setup and maintenance. Your duty is to focus on managing your business!thinkabi
Which other business system can you start with this amount that has the capacity to generate heavy profit for you everyday without you renting an office or incur other heavy costs? The answer is very simple "NONE".
You See why... You Shouldn't Consider Missing This Opportunity As Option?
· ==>This Business will certainly pay you big time. It make no difference if you are a job seeker, unemployed, an employee or retired worker etc.
· ==>You don't need to be internet or computer guru or have the very best laptop in the world. No No.. That's not a factor, All you need is to have a burning desire to make more money.
· ==>You don't need to know people you will be sending your short code message to or go through stress to find them, We will give you their direct contacts so you can reach them on devices they never leave home without.

Now If you're really ready to experience true success as mobile marketing industry leader do...
Now Is the Right Time to Take Important Action

Grab Your Phone Now and Text "SET UP MY SHORTCODE" to 0809010267074 then proceed to pay for the service using the payment options below.
TO SETUP SHARED SHORTCODE: Pay N30,900 onetime payment or Minimize your risk by paying N20,000 then balance N10,900 when the short code completed in the 12-24 Hours.

After making a deposit, send a notification SMS containing FULL NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, PHONE NO, D.O.B, CONTACT ADDRESS, WHAT YOU WANT TO USE THE SHORTCODE FOR, to 0809010267074
 include the following in your text message; Depositor Name, Teller Number, Date of Payment, Amount Paid. If you made payment Via ATM payment option below, send the payment confirmation email send to you to

Please Take Note:
You cannot cancel your shortcode setup order or request a refund once the setup is in progress. REASON: We pay certain fees to networks for your shortcode activation while the leftover is the profit of Joseph Empire Ent

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