Federal Road Safety Corps Up-To Date Questions and Answers (PDF Version) | Download


We appreciate your interest in purchasing the Federal Road Safety Corps Past Questions and Answers. Believe me; the purchase of the FRSC recruitment past questions and answers will go a long way to improve your preparedness for the forthcoming recruitment exercise.
Most questions included in the FRSC recruitment past questions and answers have been repeated overtime. We’d like you to note that the Federal Road Safety Corps recruits individuals based on merit and the competition for the vacant positions in this prestigious agency is very stiff because it has many interested applicants with very few positions available.
Recruitmentvilla.com has made available an Updated and Comprehensive Version of the FRSC recruitment past questions and answers. This will be useful if you have any intention to apply for Federal Road Safety Corps Recruitment
From available statistics, we have discovered that 40% of questions are usually repeated word-to-word directly from what we have in the FRSC recruitment past questions and answers while a bulk of the other ones are only revised/ rephrased only.
Take this advice from someone who has sold past questions for a while now- the best way to qualify for the FRSC recruitment is a comprehensive study of its Past Questions and Answers?
If you have not applied for this Job offer, you can apply for the Federal Road Safety Corps recruitment here and get to be employed.
FRSC Federal Road Safety Corps Past Questions
Why should you purchase the FRSC recruitment past questions and answers?
You might be contemplating if you really need the FRSC recruitment past questions and answers in your mind. Apart from other reasons which we have recollected from users that have purchased our past questions in the past and were successfully recruited which we have included in the latter part of this post, here are a few reasons why you should purchase this past question.
It gives you a focused insight of what to expect in the actual examination.
80% of questions contained therein are usually repeated by such schools either directly or rephrased.
You will easily recall answers to questions if you see them in the exam hall thereby saving you time for other tougher questions.
Gives you confidence before you enter the hall for the actual thing.
Increases your experience and makes you understand patterns for question from this agency.

FRSC Sample Questions from Previous Years.

1. The highest court for the Governorship election dispute in Nigeria is .
(a) Supreme Court
(b) Court of Appeal
(c) Federal High Court
(d) Electoral Tribunal

2. The highest court for the Legislative election dispute in Nigeria is .
(a) Supreme Court
(b) Court of Appeal
(c) Federal High Court
(d) Electoral Tribunal

3. Class J Licence is issued to which category of drivers
(a) Commercial drivers
(b) Private drivers
(c) Articulated vehicle drivers
(d) Physically challenged drivers

4. The pulse rate of a normal person is
(a) 52 per minute
(b) 62 per minute
(c) 72 per minute
(d) 82 per minute

5. The C in the ABC of First Aid is for ..
(a) Control
(b) Commitment
(c) Conjecture
(d) Circulation

6. Warning Signs are usually in shape
(a) Circular
(b) Triangular
(c) Rectangular
(d) Square

7. The green colour of the Nigerian flag signifies
(a) Agriculture
(b) Green Eagles
(c) Green revolution
(d) Green forest of Nigeria

8. Breathalyzer is used to detect .
(a) Bad breathe
(b) Drunk driving
(c) Over speeding
(d) Smoking

9. FERMA stands for
a). Federal Road Maintenace Agency
b). Federal Road Maintenace Associates
c). Federal Railway Maintenace Agency
d). Federal Railway Maintenace Associates

10. The film industry in Nigeria is called
a) Bollywood
b) Hollywood
c) Nollywood
d) Softwood
READ Federal Road Safety Corps Recruitment 2019/ 2019 | Apply Now
We have all FRSC recruitment past questions and answers in soft downloadable copies and they all are available on request only.
Download now–original and complete/up-to-date Fire Service Past Questions  and Answers to prepare ahead of the recruitment exercise.

Tips to Employ during the interview

1.      Great vibe and Positivity
Be of good cheer throughout the interview and refuse to be intimidated by the interviewers’ actions. Be of positive carriage and do not be shook by the ambiance of the office or the number of people out for screening together with you.
Key point: Do not let low self-esteem Play in. Say no to inferiority complex during your interview.
2. Be social and welcoming
Apart from your qualification or merit in the screening examination, Sociability should not be neglected as it is equally as important as the aforementioned. Be sociable and comforting in your speech during the interview with your interviewer. Do not sound quaky or kind of afraid and not welcoming. Do not be too formal I must note although you be careful of your choice of words.
3. Dress brilliantly/ be smart in your appearance.
READ Federal Road Safety Corps Recruitment 2019/ 2019 | Apply Now
Composure/ body language should not be neglected. Make sure you comport yourself and do not look intimidated, afraid, timid, shy or be shaking during the interview.
If you have purchased yours, kindly drop a testimony in the comment box below

How to purchase Federal Road Safety Corps Recruitment Past Questions and Answers:

Payment Details:
Account Name:  Ifeanyi Joseph E.
Account Number: 2110644758
Bank: Zenith Bank
Please pay the amount written above to the details provided below in order to get your past question sent directly to you by mail or other alternative means as chosen by you (alternative means could include—whatsapp, facebook, etc). Past questions are delivered within 20 minutes from confirmation of payment.
What to do after payment:
After paying the stipulated amount successfully to the account hereby provided,
Follow the steps below and send the details to 09010267074;
Send the following:
·         Depositors Name
·         Name of the Account used for payment
·         Email address (Make sure the email you send to us is accessible by you.)
·         Past question paid for<Name of past question>
You can Texr/Whatsap our agent on 09010267074 for questions before and after payment.
Note that all past questions are sent through email and within 20 minutes from confirmation of payment.

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