How to Apply Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency 2019 Recruitment

If you have been dreaming of working in a government parastatal, then this an opportunity for you to make your dream a reality.

You can make your dream a reality by following practical steps. Before we walk you through how to apply for NDLEA 2019 recruitment, it is good you know what NDLEA is all about;


 What NDLEA is All About?
The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) is a Federal agency in Nigeria charged with eliminating the growing, processing, manufacturing, selling, exporting, and trafficking of hard drugs. The agency was established by Decree Number 48 of 1989.
So now let’s dive into how you can apply for the 2019 NDLEA Recruitment:
To apply for the 2019 recruitment, you have to follow these simple steps:

Take a look at the NDLEA job requirements
After you must have considered the role-specific requirements for the different jobs advertised by NDLEA, you should also read the general requirement carefully to be sure you are fit for the job that you wish to apply for.
Reading the NDLEA general requirement will save you the energy of wasting your time on the application when you are not qualified for the job.
Let us quickly take a look at the NDLEA general requirement, to be sure you are fit for the job.

NDLEA 2019 Job Openings General Requirements
A candidate applying for recruitment into the Agency must fulfil the following conditions:

  • All applicants must fill in the application form provided on the website, upload passport and print out the application slip which would be used throughout the process of the recruitment.

  • Candidates shall be literate and must possess such educational qualifications as specified below for the position.

  • A Shortlisted candidate must be certified physically and mentally fit for recruitment by a medical officer from a Government Hospital before final selection.

  • All prospective candidates must be individuals with good character and must not have been convicted of any criminal offence save road traffic offence.

  • All prospective candidates must be free from any kind of financial insolvency or bankruptcy.

  • Candidates will be required to download two (2) referee forms to be filled by two (2) persons of reputable standing in the society.

  • Successful candidates will be required to fill further vetting forms.

  • All successful candidates will be subjected to random illicit drug use test throughout their service in the Agency.

  • Only shortlisted applicants shall be invited for further examination and interview.

Sign – Up to Apply Online
After reading all the requirement for the NDLEA job, and notice that you are qualified to apply for any of the jobs that were advertised, then the next thing for you to do is to sign-up to apply online.
How do you sign up to apply online?
All you have to do to apply online is to visit to sign – up. Click the link and then sign-up. Note that you must be signed – up before you can apply for any NDLEA job online.

Fill/Complete Application Form
Once you have successfully signed-up online, then you can go ahead and fill the application form that will be displayed on your screen.
Make sure you fill the correct information on the application form and submit as soon as possible. NDLEA job opportunities are really competitive, so it is advisable for you to submit your application forms early enough.

Notethe deadline for the submission of the application form is Thursday 29th August 2019.
  1. Download Necessary Form to Complete your Application Process

To complete your application process, you would have to download the NDLEA guarantors form.
Note: You will also have to attach the passport photograph of your guarantor to the guarantor’s form.

The NDLEA 2019 Job Opening is a great opportunity that you should not miss. Remember to be careful when you are applying online to avoid mistakes.
You can take a look at NDLEA salaries on MySalaryScale to have an idea of how much you will likely earn if you are employed. We promise to keep you updated as regards the NDLEA recruitment.
Feel free to drop your comments or questions, as we will be more than ready to respond to them.
We wish you all the best in your job search.

Other Ongoing  Recruitment

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