The Role of Public Enterprise in National development of Nigeria

 It is common knowledge that public enterprise has a particular important role to play in an “under-developed” economy. Shortage of private capital, lack of entrepreneur ability, the absence of market for securities and equities and inadequate profit expectations limits opportunities for investment  even in high industry.
Public enterprise until independence the Nigerian economy was economically and practically dominated by imperialists Nigerians has since after independence assumed responsibility of higher level of economic development, Adegun (2007) public enterprise in a political and administrations structures allowing different conditions between organized interest group competing for excess employment and subsidies.


The Anambra Broad casting service (ABS) Fm, ABS and ABS TV, the ABS Awka started off in 1960, at Enugu as the (ENBC) or Eastern Nigeria.
Broadcasting co-operation, which was later, renamed the (ECBS) or Eastern Nigeria Broadcasting service as of 1971 after the civil war, it has the staff strength of about 400 staff.
With sub segment political changes, the ABS and ATV were merged in 1985, under re-organizational exercise which resulted to the ABS again Enugu and was backed by the then government edit no. 6 of 1985 and later by the edit no. 4 of 1987 as a corporate establishment under the ministry of information with specified scheme of service and the conditions of service for staff regulate was and welfare. Anambra Broadcasting corporation, while the ENTA was renamed NTA, Nigeria Television Authority, as of under the execution councils conclusion of 1976.
Considerably, the enormous responsibility place on public enterprises and the low performance that has characterized their administration, it becomes incumbent on government to re-fours and re – position these acting station to make them result oriented, effectively and profitability.  
-  Problem of transparency Trasparency should be a major element commercialization Programmes. Each affected enterprise  must be studied I great details to ensure the maximum benefit in the divestiture.
-  Decline in real gross domestic product.
-  Problem of structure reorganization: privatization unlike commercialization may be necessitated by the government divesting of its interest but will involve structural reorganization which are aimed at creating a similar profit.
-  Unfair Shift of resources from the mass
-  Problem implementation: One school though of argued that privatization of industries: In Nigeria railPrivatizaiton feud to breaking up the rail network into infrastructure and train operating companies.
-  Public Interest: There are many industries which perform an important public service. Example health care education and public transport.
-  Problem of regulating private monopolies: They creating private monopolies such as water companies and railway companies these need regulation because it has to prevent abuse of Monopoly power
-  Operational Problem operational problem, Nigeria capital market has come of age with a reasonable level of competent operators.
-  Government loses out on potential dividends. Many of the privatized companies in the Nigeria quite profitable.
-  Short tourism of firms As well as been motivated by short term pressure these is something private firms may do as well
-  Deep seating Instability
-  Problem of method of valuation: The methiod of valuation to be used will under value the parastatals.
Natural monopoly: it occur when the most efficient number of firms is an industry is one example tap water has very significant fixed cost. The problem of public enterprise is a log in the wheel of growth of the economy. Its field that encompasses a lot of management activities aimed at efficient utilizes of non method and money with a view to achieve the desired goals.
However, a visit to any of these public enterprise as referred to information provides, it gives a clear picture of ineffective in some cases.
It has been evidently shown that ABS have failed to achieve the goals underlying their establishment. This is because they are bedeviled with the abysmal performance of ABS could be attributed to the following:-
Office Accommodation which posses greater problems as the headquarters at Awka and the major studio are yet to be concluded planned by the Anambra State Government.
Politics interference according to Mbanefo (1985). It is the fact that political leaders of the country interfere even in the day to day activities of the corporation, and this is not healthy for the growth, development of ABS.
 Lack of sound management techniques:
ABS is not managed through modern management techniques, these techniques include, planning; working study, quantity control, project management and painlessness of public enterprise have consequently led to the high mortality rate of the enterprise.
It is therefore the researcher’s aspirations to examine these problems highlight the extent that would help to reduce the problem.
-Profit maximization: Public enterprise help maximize profit in the country
- Increase in availablility of social amenities
- Their goal is to maximize a social goal
-They investment improve the economic standard
-They are set out to help people or citizens
- Maximize human effort
- It help the political aspect of a country
- It motivates individual
- Also help agriculture
- They are effective and efficient in nature
- Creating employment Opportunities
- Improve the living standard of people
- Availability of social and infrastructure
-Increase I productivity of both human and material resources.

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