Ben Nwabueze noted that the current constitutional requirement amounts to a
semi -literate president or governor; and stated that this has served the
nation badly and has called for an amendment of the Constitution which would
substitute a university degree for the first school leaving certificate
currently prescribed as qualification for office holders.
Ben Nwabueze, has stated that semi-literacy is the bane of Nigeria’s
leadership, and called for the review of qualifications for political office
holders from the elementary school certificate to university degree or
also stated that there was no part of the country which had not produced
several university graduates to represent them as governors, president or
members of the state and National Assemblies these days. In his words:
“Leadership is a critical part of Nigeria’s problem of governance because the
educational qualification prescribed for our political leaders by section
131(d), as amended by the National Assembly in 2010, and section 318(1) of the
Constitution does not equip them to be able to combine ideas and power;
intellectualism and politics. “In these days of widespread ‘expo,’ certificate
faking and general degeneration in the standards of education in our schools
and colleges, primary six school leaving certificate prescribed by the
Constitution for those seeking elective political office is really next door to
“The effect of these provisions is,
lamentably, to entrench in the Constitution the intellectual poverty and
educational inadequacy which has characterised leadership at the level of the
presidency since independence in 1960 right up to the election of President
Umaru Yar’Adua in 2007 (the first university graduate to hold the office of
Executive President discounting the interim arrangement under which Chief
Ernest Shonekan, a university graduate, ruled for four or so months) and the
ascension to the presidential office by Vice-President Dr Goodluck Jonathan on
May 5, 2010, after the death of Umaru Yar’Adua.
semi -literate president or governor is what the prescription tantamounts to.
What little literacy is acquired from the educational system at the primary
school level is soon lost owing to the lack of a reading culture that pervades
our society, caused to a considerable extent by the enthronement of wealth as
the determinant of social standing and the consequent inordinate pursuit of it
and of other mundane, non-intellectual pursuits.
Naij New report a statement made by Professor
Ben Nwabueze; “No one with this kind of thoroughly inadequate educational
background can be expected to read, with understanding, the Constitution of
Nigeria, laden, and it is, with difficult and perplexing concepts, or the books
on constitutional law, political science and sociology where the knowledge of
these concepts can be found. “And knowing that he cannot understand them, he
would have no inclination or disposition to buy the books or to read them. The
desire to accommodate educationally backward areas, which no doubt is the
reason underlying the provisions, is no justification for prescribing such low
level of educational qualification for election to the office of president,
state governor or member of the National Assembly. “There is no state in the
country today that does not have a fair number of university graduates
"The low educational qualification
prescribed for elective political leaders has resulted, sadly, in the
relegation of intellectualism in government and politics in the country.
Intellectualism is concerned essentially with the notion of ideas, that is: the
mental ability to comprehend ideas, and to reason or think them out. "An
intellectual is a person engaged in creative and rational thinking about the
world, about humanity, about human relationships, and about the governance of
human society; he is a person dedicated to the study and understanding of ideas
that govern and shape our world, society, the organism known as the state, and
generally to intellectual pursuits and interests.
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