Script #Risk it All# written by Ifeanyi Joseph Ezealor - For sale

Script #Risk it All# written by Ifeanyi Joseph Ezealor - For sale

GENRE:     Action, Thriller, Drama, Crime
YEAR:        2018

The script talks about a boy who had dreamt of a life in the ring (Arena), he believe he has been given the gift to be a fighter.
Due to his love and dream of being a fighter, he has to fight in the street, and has made name for himself as the ULTIMATE with 44 win and 0 Loss and  has also been arrested several time by the police, and was told he will be put in prison if he was ever caught fighting again.
For the love he had for his mother, he has to stop.  Some years later after watching a Movie titled Boyka, He felt the guilt of letting go of his dream, he felt he was a coward for giving up on his dream just because of a treat.
He looked back at his life these past years, and saw that he has never done anything perfect except fight.
He decided to go back; the he discovered that a lot has changed, people around when knew him and witness his victory, praised him as the ULTIMATE.
Which got one of the fighter angry and request a fight in the ring, but he refused, unit the fighter called him a coward and his mother a prostitute.
He got angry and accepted the challenge and took out the fighter in 23 seconds
 A Host and Advocate of the underground fight, was impressed decided to approach him with a deal. A huge sum of money for just 5 matches, which he turned down and left.
Few weeks later, his mother feels sick and the doctor request for the sum of 15 Million Naira before she will be operated on.
He has no way or means to raise such amount of money, except taking up the deal presented to him. 

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