The “Big Dog” Roman Reign Advances

The Big Dog Roman Reign Advance and It's likely he will end up facing Lashley again. Reigns wins a solid Triple Threat match to advance to next week's final match against the winner of tonight's second three-man bout.

We return to see Reigns setting up for the Superman Punch. McIntyre counters with a spinebuster for a two count. Balor comes back in the ring with the chair and knocks Drew out of the ring. He takes several shots at Roman before heading outside to dropkick McIntyre into the barricade. Reigns Spears McIntyre into the timekeeper's area when Balor moves out of the way. Balor takes down Reigns with a sling blade, but Roman counters the running dropkick with a Superman Punch for a near fall. Finn recovers and hits the dropkick followed by the Coup de Grace. McIntyre pulls him out of the ring and drives him into the steel steps to break up the cover. Reigns hits both men with the Superman Punch. Drew hits Finn with the Claymore. Reigns knocks him out of the ring and Spears Balor to get the win.
We return to see McIntyre controlling the pace as he beats on Reigns in the corner. He brings Balor back in the ring so he can stomp on both men at the same time. Balor starts to make a comeback, but a clothesline from Roman stops him in his tracks. Finn avoids the drive-by dropkick and hits a double stomp. Drew shocks the crowd when he takes to the air with a flip over the top rope onto Reigns. He uses a chair to knock Balor off the top rope to the floor, which is legal in a Triple Threat match. The Big Dog uppercuts the chair out of his hands and starts unloading on him in the corner. McIntyre drives him into the ring post for a two count as we go to another break.
McIntyre takes out Balor with a hard right hand before going after Reigns. The Scottish Superstar puts them in different corners and goes back and forth between them until Finn hits a dropkick and Roman sends him out with a clothesline. Balor clotheslines Reigns out of the ring before taking out both men with a dive over the top rope. McIntyre drops Balor and hits Reigns with a belly to belly suplex for a two count. D-Mac continues to dominate the match for a long time as we head to a break.
Elias comes out and says he deserves to challenge Lesnar, and so does Finn Balor. As expected, Roman Reigns eventually joins the party. Angle books two Triple Threat matches for tonight, with the winners facing each other for the right to face Lesnar at SummerSlam. The first will be Reigns vs. Balor vs. McIntyre and the second will be Lashley vs. Rollins vs. Elias.

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